Stem Cell Therapy for Neck Pain & Arthritis

Neck pain is very much of a concern in everyday life. The use of computers, sitting for a long time, as well as the increasing age of the population are some of the many contributing factors making neck pain so common.
Neck Arthritis
Neck arthritis is a general term for degeneration of the neck joints, which can be due to injury or disease. The common thread is the facet joints and disk with the cartilage start to break down, degenerate and become stiff and painful. In some cases the cartilage is gone and bone on bone prevents the smooth motion of the neck.
Stem cell protocols for neck pain
The Hawaii Stem Cell Treatment Center has protocols in place to accept applications of individuals with neck pain and neck arthritis. If accepted into the study we may deploy Stromal Vascular Fraction into the neck. This Stem Cell broth is obtained from your own bodies subcutaneous tissue which is a rich source of stem cells, growth and healing factors. These may be deployed using imaging technology for accurate placement by one our specialist.
Not a cure all miracle treatment
Not all cases of neck pain and or neck arthritis will be accepted into our protocol. There are many reasons for neck pain and such conditions as septic arthritis, a neck bone infection will not be accepted for example. If you are interested to find out if you are a candidate please contact us.